Thursday 13 November 2014

Musings on the applications used during this ICT Module

I was quite resistant at first, I am comfortable using Computers, in particular Apple products for what it is I need to do; basic work involving word processing, writing schemes of works and lesson plans assessment and unit briefs. I have dabbled with photoshop and been sucked into the world of Farmville ( 18 months now without so much as a single chicken or present- Taking each day as it comes) but I really did not see the need for all of this social media for my teaching or my role teaching students.
I also have access to just a blackboard in my classroom with little or no wifi and intermittent 3G signal 
( I know what it is just doesn't work in the room).

As the Module went on I found aspects that were relevant and even dare I say it inspiring, I know it's all about Mandy but still some of what Mandy taught us has stayed with me. If i prepare a powerpoint now i have a useful set of tips and tricks to not make it a snoozefest. I can embed videos, I am able to at least to try and use the limited Internet access I have in a creative way with my creative students. If we ever get iPads (unlikely, but you never know) I will be able to use the apps shown to set up teaching sessions that work like magic and really engage my learners, who really will benefit from the creative aspects we have been taught.

I feel I would have benefitted more in a teaching environment where the technology is available or better fully embedded and I intend to look at my local primary school and discuss the ICT uses there as they are far ahead of FE in the use of ICT.

Overall I have learned that ICT is a really staggeringly engaging tool for the communication of ideas if used properly by an enthusiastic and knowledgable teacher- it's all about Mandy again!

30 best educational apps to try

Key skills for 21st century students

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