Tuesday 18 November 2014

Mobile technology and teaching.

Mobile technology is a double edged sword when it comes to teaching. In a positive way you can use mobile technology to access internet learning when in a space without conventional internet access
 (assuming smartphone and tablet access and also  a 3G signal).
I have used a personal laptop to show students a powerpoint on the various sculptors and techniques that we will be studying through the course and several students took notes on their mobile phones, one even photographed a screenshot of a particular artwork.  Where the prerequisites apply you can use the internet as a teaching/ learning tool in the middle of a field.

 An example of this is a piece of sculpture at the top of a hillside that has a QR code next to it. The code and a reader on a smartphone allow access to whatever  information that the artist has put online relating to the sculpture.
I often use my iPhone to look at reviews of books to decide if they meet my needs, I have also used my iPhone to buy a text book seen at a museum or galley for a better price online once I determine it to be useful.

The other side of mobile technology is that their ubiquity and usefulness as a means of accessing the internet can lead to students using them inappropriately during lessons. This can cause disruption and lead to problem behaviour that makes classroom management more difficult.
The speed and guile with which students can use the camera on phones or type into a search engine  can be challenging to control. The fact that many phones are small makes it difficult to police their use during lessons where they are a distraction at best and a complete nuisance and point of contention at worst. The current generation of  16-18 year olds use their phones and tablets as an extension of themselves and checking their status updates on Facebook is more important to many than the lesson you are trying to teach.  The students are very adept at using the technology to appear to be on task when in reality they are messaging friends and watching videos that are irrelevant to the task set in a learning environment.

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