Sunday 23 November 2014

Microsoft and Me

This should read Microsoft or Me as my email was .mac, then .me now it's .icloud. All of these are Mac addresses. I am a child of the Apple Mac, which brings its own rewards and frustrations. 

I have no option other than to use Microsoft  products because Office ( in the person of Bill Gates) began its world domination in 1988 with the first release of the Office Suite of  Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint. in fairness it has proved successful, over a billion users were record in July 2012.

The reason I have no option is that the Office dominance means that even though I am a staunch supporter and early adopter of Apple products; I have to use Office and in particular Word constantly to allow communication between myself and students and fellow staff. 
This is the biggest headache for me as a Mac user as the later versions of PC based Word are incompatible with the older versions released for Mac leading to desperate searches for conversion software to allow me to open documents and read them. Then the fun really starts as Office does not read operational shortcuts from a Mac document in the PC version, you can spend hours finding, resizing and positioning art objects in a document only for the PC version to contain just spaces and no images!
So in summary I Hate that I have to use Microsoft but put up with it until another option presents itself or the versions on Mac and PC are finally and wholly compatible.  

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