Tuesday 14 October 2014

The use of technology - Raymond Chandler

I threw my iphone across the room, the alarm cut through me like a bullet through butter. It was 6:30 am, the day had to start but was I ready for it? 
I went carefully downstairs and hit the light switch.  I turned on my 55inch 3D Tv and started like a scalded cat as the wireless surround system hit me at full blast. I groped for the remote and got the noise back to humanity levels.
 Pesky kids!
I went into the kitchen started the coffee machine and waited whilst the beans jumped around in the grinder like fleas on a stray dog.I microwaved some porridge, put a bagel in the toaster and sat down to eat. A day just like any other, or so I thought at the time.

The telephone rang, I hunted helplessly for the cordless handset, it was useless  it was like looking for an ice cube on a glacier. The answer machine cut off the rings, who gets to a phone in three rings anymore anyhow?  The dame on the other end of the message sounded more desperate than a fox in a hunt kennel......

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